A cold night, around 5 degrees F, and the water wasn’t working this morning. Since we had a lamp in the well house and that was still on, we looked further and found the frozen pipe by the pressure tank inside the garage. A heater and Sheila working a hair dryer quickly defrosted it, but we’ll have a heater there tonight! It’s going up well above freezing during the day, but this cold snap has night time temperatures well below normal.
The birds are flocking to the seed, suet, and peanut butter. The Painted Redstart is especially cheerful, and likes the grape jelly best, but comes to the home made suet, also. Everybody likes that — warblers, titmice, kinglets, woodpeckers, jays, and wrens. Email us at the Ranch if you would like the recipe– info@cavecreekranch.com .